Purple Donatello Since 1984 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles T-Shirt

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This Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles t-shirt features Donatello's face and his favorite weapons, the bo staffs.

Donatello is the team inventor and weaponeer. He creates all their gadgets from the simplest bo-staff to their incredible vehicles. He's utterly brilliant, able to cobble together fantastic stuff from things he's literally scrounged from a trash heap. He's obsessively detail-oriented and often impatient that the other Turtles can't keep up with him intellectually, but he's always willing to stand beside them to fight.

Donatello is instantly recognizable with his purple mask. Everyone will know you are a fan when you wear this Purple Donatello Since 1984 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles T-Shirt!